International » Caribbean Style BBQ Ribs

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Caribbean Style BBQ Ribs
Caribbean Style BBQ Ribs <p><a href="/videos/profiles/about-wilma-browne-yarde">Wilma Browne Yarde</a> shares her enticing marinade for pork spare ribs that's remarkably easy to assemble. <em>Eleven</em> cloves of garlic go into the Caribbean-inspired green seasoning in the marinade, well known to islanders as simply "seasoning," and includes habañero pepper, cilantro, ginger and a touch of citrus. After 24 hours in the marinade, the ribs are baked in more marinade for about an hour, and basted with even <em>more</em> marinade. But you'll smell the aroma long before then.  Be patient. The wait is worth it.</p>

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bbq, caribbean style bbq ribs, grill, ribs

Wilma Browne Yarde shares her enticing marinade for pork spare ribs that's remarkably easy to assemble. Eleven cloves of garlic go into the Caribbean-inspired green seasoning in the marinade, well known to islanders as simply "seasoning," and includes habañero pepper, cilantro, ginger and a touch of citrus. After 24 hours in the marinade, the ribs are baked in more marinade for about an hour, and basted with even more marinade. But you'll smell the aroma long before then.  Be patient. The wait is worth it.

Comments (1)

  • Posted Monday, March 7, 2011, at 9:11 am by Andrew Zubatkin:
    I had a hankering for Ribs so I decided to try out the recipe and it came out great! Really easy and the Green Seasons really does make a ton!

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