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About Benedetta Vitali
About Benedetta Vitali <p> Benedetta Vitali is a chef who has lived and worked all her life in Florence, Italy. In 1979, fresh out of university, she and Fabio Picchi founded the restaurant Cibr&egrave;o, with the purpose of offering their fellow Florentines a connection to a traditional Tuscan cooking style that was neglected in the postwar trend of prepackaged and convenience foods. In 1999, Benedetta opened a new restaurant of her own, the trattoria <a href="http://www.trattoriazibibbo.it/">Zibibbo</a>, emphasizing fresh produce from nearby small farms and gardens. She is the author of<em> <strong>Soffrito: Tradition &amp; Innovation in Tuscan Cooking &amp; La Cucina degli Affetti | Catering and Caring: 124 Recipes for Cooking with Love</strong>. </em>Benedetta teaches cooking classes in Italy and in the United States.</p>

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Benedetta Vitali is a chef who has lived and worked all her life in Florence, Italy. In 1979, fresh out of university, she and Fabio Picchi founded the restaurant Cibrèo, with the purpose of offering their fellow Florentines a connection to a traditional Tuscan cooking style that was neglected in the postwar trend of prepackaged and convenience foods. In 1999, Benedetta opened a new restaurant of her own, the trattoria Zibibbo, emphasizing fresh produce from nearby small farms and gardens. She is the author of Soffrito: Tradition & Innovation in Tuscan Cooking & La Cucina degli Affetti | Catering and Caring: 124 Recipes for Cooking with Love. Benedetta teaches cooking classes in Italy and in the United States.

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