Hero Profile » About Elizabeth Goldberg

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About Elizabeth Goldberg
About Elizabeth Goldberg <p> Ohio native Elizabeth Goldberg now calls East Boston home. Inspired by friends in New York, who proved living in a tiny apartment doesn&#39;t mean you can&#39;t make great meals, Elizabeth went on to discover the benefits of a CSA (community-supported agriculture). Cooking produce she was familiar with and facing the challenge of cooking unfamiliar foods has inspired her to get creative in the kitchen and impress her friends.</p>

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Ohio native Elizabeth Goldberg now calls East Boston home. Inspired by friends in New York, who proved living in a tiny apartment doesn't mean you can't make great meals, Elizabeth went on to discover the benefits of a CSA (community-supported agriculture). Cooking produce she was familiar with and facing the challenge of cooking unfamiliar foods has inspired her to get creative in the kitchen and impress her friends.

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