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About Erin Byers Murray
About Erin Byers Murray <p>After 8 years in the far cushier world of online editing and freelance food writing, Erin Byers Murray ditched the home office (and the wardrobe) to join <a href="http://www.islandcreekoysters.com/">Island Creek Oysters</a>. Somehow, despite a total lack of knowledge about aquaculture or boating, she convinced Skip Bennett to let her join the team as a farm hand to learn the business of bivalves. Despite a constant lack of sleep and a growing number of bruises, she's found her rhythm with the crew and looks forward to watching millions of baby seedlings grow into sweet, plump, juicy 'sters. During her few free hours, she continues to write for publications like Boston magazine, Improper Bostonian, Food &amp; Wine, and Body &amp; Soul. Follow Erin off the water on Twitter: <a href="http://twitter.com/ErinBMurray">http://www.twitter.com/erinbmurray</a> and check out her incredible Blog: <a href="http://shucked.wordpress.com/" target="_blank">Shucked.</a></p>

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After 8 years in the far cushier world of online editing and freelance food writing, Erin Byers Murray ditched the home office (and the wardrobe) to join Island Creek Oysters. Somehow, despite a total lack of knowledge about aquaculture or boating, she convinced Skip Bennett to let her join the team as a farm hand to learn the business of bivalves. Despite a constant lack of sleep and a growing number of bruises, she's found her rhythm with the crew and looks forward to watching millions of baby seedlings grow into sweet, plump, juicy 'sters. During her few free hours, she continues to write for publications like Boston magazine, Improper Bostonian, Food & Wine, and Body & Soul. Follow Erin off the water on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/erinbmurray and check out her incredible Blog: Shucked.

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